Salisbury Business Improvement District

Business support webinar with the Leader of Wiltshire Council

15th April 2020

Join our weekly business support webinars for the latest news and guidance to support Salisbury's businesses through the COVID-19 pandemic.

This week the Leader of Wiltshire Council, Cllr Philip Whitehead, will be joining our business support webinar to provide an update  on the latest information and to answer questions from the audience.

Please email questions in advance to

Our panel of local experts will also be on hand once again to answer questions from Salisbury's businesses.

Tuesday 21st April 2020 at 3pm.

Register in advance here to join the webinar.

Our panel of experts are:
Keith Hanson (Salisbury BID Chair) - Personnel Placements
Dean Speer (Salisbury BID Vice Chair) - Myddelton & Major
Hugh Davies (Salisbury BID Finance Director) - Hugh Davies & Co Accountants
Stephen Oxley (Salisbury BID Legal Director) - Wilsons Solicitors

Thank you to our panel of local experts who are providing their time and knowledge free of charge to support other businesses in Salisbury.

This is a free webinar for the businesses of Salisbury, brought to you by Salisbury BID.