Below are a list of useful contacts that businesses may require.
Download the Useful Contacts in Salisbury poster and pin it up by the kettle, or somewhere that the numbers can be reached easily.
SALISBURY CITY SECURITY For all enquiries contact Salisbury City Council on
CITY RANGER Services for businesses include ShopWatch enquiries, city radio enquiries and responsive cleaning service contact the BID's City Ranger on
SHOPWATCH A partnership group to prevent retail crime and anti social behaviour 01722 658000
PUBWATCH A licensee and partnership led group to prevent crime and anti social behaviour:
SALISBURY INFORMATION CENTRE For all enquires relating to Salisbury City Council and information for visitors to the City: 01722 342860 (out of hours 01722 346485)
SALISBURY GIFT CARD If there aren’t sufficient funds on the card, the card will be rejected. You can check a customer’s gift card balance here. If there are sufficient funds and the card is still in date (valid for 1 year) but a card is still rejected, please call Salisbury BID: 01722 658000 If your merchant ID has changed, please call Salisbury BID to re-register on 01722 658000 To sign up to accept the Salisbury Gift Card email:
STREET ISSUE To report street scene, highway or environmental issues, download the My Wiltshire app here.
WASTE & LITTER To report any waste or litter issues, download the My Wiltshire app here.
BUSKERS If a busker is not following the Salisbury Busking Code of Conduct and is disrupting your business working environment, please call the Salisbury BID City Ranger on 01722 658000.
ROUGH SLEEPERS To report rough sleepers to Wiltshire Council, download the StreetLink app here.
TROLLEYS Download the Trolleywise App to report abandoned trolleys
CCTV Following the submission of a crime report, the Police can request access to the city’s CCTV. For other CCTV enquiries contact
LITTER ENFORCEMENT OFFICERS For all enquiries contact Salisbury City Council
POLICE For emergencies and crimes in progress dial 999. To report non-emergency crime dial 101 or click here to report online.
ACTION FRAUD If you have been scammed, defrauded or experienced cyber-crime, report fraud online here or call 0300 123 2040.
ANTI-TERRORISM Report information about suspicious activity or behaviour online here or call 0800 789 321. In an emergency you should always dial 999.
CRIMESTOPPERS Report information about criminal activity anonymously online here or call 0800 555 111. In an emergency you should always dial 999.
FLOOD ALERT To report flooding from rivers, contact the Environment Agency Floodline on 0345 988 1188.
Download the 'Useful Contacts in Salisbury' poster
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