Salisbury Business Improvement District

Celebrating Salisbury Business Women On International Women’s Day

8th March 2021

Today (8th March 2021) is International Women’s Day, a day when the world celebrates the achievements of women and rally together for gender equality. 

The theme for IWD 2021 is #ChooseToChange.  

The campaign wants us all to choose to challenge, to call out gender bias and inequality and to seek out and celebrate women's achievements. Collectively, we can all help create an inclusive world. 

Salisbury is full of inspiring business women and some have been talking to Salisbury BID about their achievements and advice for other women striving for business succcess.

Susi Mason, owner of Casa Fina and Salisbury BID Director: 

“My mother had the idea to open a shop in Salisbury in 1983. I had just finished school and quickly signed up to a two-week business course, we had to learn everything else the hard way! After a year I went off to University and subsequently trained to be a teacher coming back to Salisbury and Casa Fina full time in 1990. Casa Fina is approaching its 40th year and has become part of Salisbury’s High Street history. 

“It is so much easier to be a woman in business in 2021. When, as a young woman in the 90’s I joined business organisations they were dominated by very assertive men and it was hard to be heard. Now there are lots of women’s voices all over the city which is fabulous. 

“My advice to aspiring business women would be to do your research thoroughly, there’s lots of free advice out there if you just look for it. Ask for help and find a mentor that you can check in with regularly. If you feel supported you are much less likely to give up.” 


Lynne Rose, Managing Director of Personnel Placements Recruitment Agency: 

“I’ve had a successful, 20 year career in the recruitment industry and part of that success is due to always being given a voice within the business – even before I became MD. It’s allowed me to help shape the work that Personnel Placements does to support job seekers and employers. That work has given me the skills and confidence to support people through the COVID-19 pandemic and toward future recovery, with not only recruitment advice, but by providing career coaching support to help individuals make more positive decisions about their career choices.  

“One of the things my experience has also enabled is my work as a volunteer ‘Enterprise Advisor’ for local schools, helping to develop and grow our future leaders - acting I hope as an inspiration to young people starting their careers. I would encourage everyone to seek roles in organisations where you have a voice, so you too can ensure the same opportunities and an equal future for everyone.” 


Aimee Hancock - Co-Owner of Tinga, Caboose & Deacons: 

“I started my first business, Deacons pub, in August 2017 and not long after I left my very safe full-time job to pursue the business woman dream wholeheartedly at the age of 25. That business went from strength to strength which allowed me to open my second business, Tinga Mexican Restaurant & Bar, in November 2018. June 2019 saw the opening of my third and biggest business, Caboose Parlour and B&B. 

“During this period of expansion, I faced many external criticisms and doubt about my level of input and capabilities in growing a hospitality business such as this. Thankfully my business partner, who is also now my husband, saw this happening first hand as he was singularly given praise for progress we were both making. From this point, we have both actively spoken out about the strength of women in business at every opportunity possible. Despite it being 2021, it still seems to be a difficult concept for some to grasp but I really would urge you to not let this deter you. 

“In the beginning, block out the noise and do what you need to do to get your business off the ground. Once you’ve stabilised and you start to reap the rewards of your efforts, actively promote women in business and put yourself forward for every award, article or opportunity that comes your way regardless of competitors or negative influences. There is enough of the pie for everyone, so go out and take your slice.” 


Ellie Smith, Smith England Hair: 

“This is a great year to support International Women’s Day and I’m so grateful to be a part of it!  

“Throughout 2020 and 2021, the world has needed to come together and support each other in many areas and has shown us that every job role is important and needed by many. Everyone has needed to step up and do what’s important in order for our world to be a better place and for our economy to survive.  

“If everyone’s beliefs can come together surrounding gender equality, we can achieve great success.” 


Deborah Fox, owner of Fisherton Mill: 

My working life, and business, is very much enriched because it employs so many fabulous women of all ages and is home to many small enterprises run by creative female entrepreneurs.   

I hope I can inspire and support them to achieve their potential whilst with us and in their future careers once they fly the Fisherton Mill nest!  I am so proud to play a part in their journeys to success and it is so rewarding to watch them grow.” 


Rachel Tribbeck, Partner, HR Tribbeck & Son: 

“2021 is proving to be a challenging year for many in business, running a retail business during a global pandemic has been difficult, we are yet to open our doors.  

“ As a mother, I have also have the added dimension - home schooling!  Being a woman in business, invariably means you have to spin many plates, keeping your fingers crossed none fall, whilst still appearing calm and collected.  It’s a challenge I relish!” 


Jayne Prigent, owner and founder of Award Winning Salon Group JAS Hair Group:  

"We celebrated 30 years in business in the lovely City of Salisbury, last year and are always grateful to our amazing and loyal guests, incredible team members and our City business relationships.  

“Our business is a way of life for me supporting and being part of the local community. We sure do what we love, and love what we do!"