The Maltings and Central Car Park is allocated for redevelopment by the Wiltshire Core Strategy.
The Wiltshire Core Strategy requires that the redevelopment will be led by a masterplan for the whole of the site, which will establish an agreed blueprint for the detailed phases of development that will follow.
In order to ensure that the public have a meaningful input into the production of the masterplan, Wiltshire Council are carrying out a public consultation on a draft masterplan that has been prepared.
The consultation document The draft masterplan for The Maltings and Central Car Park is available here.
Paper copies of these documents will also be available during normal opening hours at:
• Salisbury Library • Wilton Library • Downton Library • Amesbury Library • Durrington Library • Five Rivers Leisure Centre, Salisbury • Wiltshire Council offices in Salisbury (Bourne Hill) • Wiltshire Council offices in Trowbridge (County Hall)
Public exhibition A public exhibition will be held on Tuesday 23rd April from 9:30am - 6:45pm at Salisbury Guildhall. Wiltshire Council officers will be available during this time to answer questions about the draft masterplan.
How to comment Comments are invited on the draft masterplan for The Maltings and Central Car Park from 9:00am Monday 15th April until 5pm Friday 24th May 2019.Comments can be made:
• Online via Wiltshire Council’s Consultation Portal here • By email to • By post in writing to: Major Projects, Wiltshire Council, The Council House, Bourne Hill, Salisbury, SP1 3UZ.
For further information, please contact Wiltshire Council: or 01722 434354.
In partnership with VisitWiltshire, Salisbury BID co-fund the Visit Salisbury website to promote the city to visitors. The Visit Salisbury website has a full events calendar for Salisbury.