Salisbury Central Area Framework
Salisbury Central Area Framework (CAF) is a series of recommendations to guide future developments and initiatives in the city centre with the aim of bringing positive change and a more vibrant, attractive and sustainable place.
This is now the final phase of public consultation on the CAF, which will help shape the future of the city centre. The CAF has been amended to reflect the comments received from the public consultation held last summer and Wiltshire Council now wants to hear further feedback on the draft CAF.
The final CAF will be adopted by the council later this year.
Have your say
Local people can comment by completing the survey online here.
These consultations will run for a six-week period from 9am on Thursday 16 January closing at 5pm on Friday 28 February 2020.
Exhibition boards, the CAF document, the CAF Executive Summary and the survey form will also be available during normal opening hours at libraries in Salisbury, Wilton, Downton, Amesbury and Durrington and Five Rivers Leisure Centre. Copies will also be available at the Wiltshire Council offices in Salisbury (Bourne Hill).
Two public exhibitions will also take place, where council staff will be on hand to provide more information and answer any questions. These exhibitions are being held at Salisbury City Hall on Tuesday 21 January 2020 from 2pm to 5.30pm and at the United Reformed Church on Wednesday 29 January 2020 from 2.30pm to 7pm.
Local people will be able to engage with or hear more about the following projects which will also be exhibited at the two public events:
• Fisherton Street City Gateway Enhancements –proposals for a new welcoming entrance to the city • Station Quarter – outline for the plans to transform the arrival experience at Salisbury’s rail station • Transport Accessibility – proposals to improve transport access into the city including routes for walking and cycling • Illuminating Salisbury – information on a potential fantastic outdoor visitor light attraction that will illuminate the stories of Salisbury’s rich heritage and increase spend by tourists • Public Art – exploring views about how public art can add to the offer of Salisbury • Wayfinding - gathering comments on how information on and direction finding of Salisbury can be improved • Heritage Trail App – information on the Salisbury Heritage Trail app and the potential trails being developed
Cllr Philip Whitehead, Leader of Wiltshire Council, said: “Together with our partner organisations, we have spent a lot of time over the last year looking at initiatives that will have a positive impact on Salisbury. By bringing forward these improvements, Wiltshire Council and its partners aim to ensure the city recovers from the impacts of the nerve agent incidents of 2018 and adapts to the economic opportunities and challenges which face the city. The CAF creates an exciting and challenging strategy to deliver a more vibrant and sustainable Salisbury. We have initiated work on a number of projects to deliver the objectives of the CAF and want to involve local people so they can help shape the proposals moving forward.”
In partnership with VisitWiltshire, Salisbury BID co-fund the Visit Salisbury website to promote the city to visitors. The Visit Salisbury website has a full events calendar for Salisbury.