Salisbury Business Improvement District

Have your say on the future of Salisbury

3rd July 2019

Wiltshire Council is consulting on developing proposals for an exciting future for Salisbury, which is being called the Salisbury Central Area Framework.

The consultation will inform development proposals for the city centre and will set out a strategy that will be deliverable and will bring positive change to create a more vibrant city centre.

As part of this, Wiltshire Council want to ensure that the traditional aspects of heritage, green space and community are enhanced and encouraged.

The Salisbury Central Area Framework will build upon previous consultations and bring together many different projects and initiatives under one single document. This will form an important part of the evidence base to inform the emerging Wiltshire Local Plan Review and Salisbury Neighbourhood Plan.

Businesses are being asked for feedback on what you’d like the city centre to look like in the future. Comments must be made by 5pm on Friday 9th August 2019.

Information of the Salisbury Area Framework can be found here.

Paper copies of these documents and response forms will also be available at Salisbury Library, Bourne Hill and Five Rivers Leisure Centre.

Comments can be made:

• Online via the Council’s consultation portal at:
• By email to
• Visiting the venues above and filling out a paper survey to be sent by post to: Major Projects, Wiltshire Council, The Council House, Bourne Hill, Salisbury, SP1 3UZ.