Strategic Recovery Group A Strategic Recovery Group including local and national government has been established with a number of sub groups feeding into and out of this recovery group to support the short/medium/long term needs of the city.
Salisbury BID is actively involved in a number of these sub groups ensuring that views of businesses in the city are represented and that we can also communicate plans and support available to our BID members.
Further information regarding plans and opportunities will follow over the next few weeks and months.
Complimentary Legal Advice Wilsons have offered Salisbury BID members a complementary 2-hour legal advice meeting for BID members which have been affected by the incident. The meeting will take place at their offices in Salisbury. To arrange your meeting, contact Emily Hannell on 01722 427 726.
Free Parking Salisbury BID played a key role in getting the free parking in Salisbury initiative agreed. Wiltshire Council announced the free parking in Salisbury car parks from 24th March 2018 until further notice, in an attempt to encourage more visitors into the city.
Short Term Response The below highlights Salisbury BID’s short-term activities.
• Encouraging people into the city through our Salisbury BID and Visit Salisbury brands • We set up the #SalisburyIsOpen campaign • Strategically placed A board signs around The Maltings to encourage footfall into the businesses which are still open • Our City Rangers have been out visiting and talking with businesses to gain valuable information and provide support wherever possible • We are dealing with a huge number of press enquiries from all over the world. You can see our local interviews on the Spire FM and Salisbury Journal websites. • Engagement on behalf of businesses with government Officials and Ministers (Michael Gove MP who was appointed Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs on 11 June 2017 as well as the Prime Minster). • Short term, we’ve organised an Easter Bunny Hunt campaign to encourage more visitors into the city over Easter.
For further information, please don't hesitate to contact the Salisbury BID team.
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