Salisbury Business Improvement District

Keep safe with Salisbury BID’s Businesses Against Crime scheme

22nd February 2022

Crime and anti-social behaviour affect our businesses, staff, customers and the community but Salisbury BID is working to reduce the impact through its Businesses Against Crime (BAC) initiatives.  

We want to help you increase your profitability by reducing crime and create better security for your staff and customers. 

You may have already seen our new BAC window stickers popping up around the city. You too can get involved. Working together, we can make a difference. 

How we can help you

Our aim is to create a safe and secure city for customers, staff and visitors. To enable this to happen, we work closely with Wiltshire Police, CCTV, Salisbury City Council and PubWatch, developing ways to train staff, improve awareness and response to crime related issues.  

By becoming involved in Salisbury BID’s BAC initiative, you will be able to take advantage of: 

  • The City Radio scheme, a professionally managed radio system connecting businesses, CCTV control room, the police and city centre security personnel 
  • Shared intelligence and access to the ShopWatch DISC website and phone app, giving the latest intelligence on offenders, alerts, instant messaging and reporting 
  • BID Ranger business crime support  
  • Monthly intelligence meetings with Police and city partners 
  • Our new-look window stickers that act as a deterrent to potential criminals 
  • Expert training which can include theft prevention, radio and DISC, cyber-crime and anti-terrorism 

City Radio

Co-ordinated from Salisbury's  CCTV control room, City Radio helps reduce crime and keep you, your staff, customers and other businesses safe. Delivery and full radio training is provided by Salisbury BID, plus you will receive:

• Instant information sharing
• Security intelligence
• Panic alarm facility (important for lone workers)
• City CCTV, security and police contact*

There is a one off cost for the radio, with a one week free trial available on request.

ShopWatch DISC System

The secure intranet system gives you all the information you need to identify and report known offenders and gives you up-to-date city wide and national intelligence. Also included are:

• Current offender images
• Easy to use report function
• Instant security alerts
• Monthly business crime intelligence meetings
• Training information and business crime updates
• Available on smart phones

ShopWatch is free to all levy payers.

Our crime reduction initiatives really do work

Michael Pitcairn, the Manager of Sainsburys Salisbury, said: “Since Joining ShopWatch we have noticed the results in our yearly shrink report. We can see who to watch out for as well as feedback on new shoplifters that aren’t on the system. The radios are easy to use and having CCTV, the BID ranger and Venture security on them means we can get valuable intel and communicate any issues we have. Regular monthly meetings allow us to pass on any concerns and receive important updates on what is happening in Salisbury." 

ShopWatch meeting

If you are already a member of ShopWatch, we are glad to announce that we will finally be meeting in person once again! It’s been over two years but our next gathering will be held at the Guildhall, 10am on Tuesday March 15th.  Andrew Sharman from the South West Business Crime Centre will give a talk on loss prevention training, and there will also be updates from the police, Salisbury City Council, shop/business attendees and the Salisbury BID.   

Find out more today  

If you would like more details about the Salisbury BID Businesses Against Crime scheme, please email or call 01722 658000 for an application. 

Or, click here to download our full BAC guide.