This joint project, between Wiltshire Council and the Environment Agency, aims to help reduce the risk of flooding for existing residents and businesses in Salisbury city centre, build climate change resilience, enhance existing and create new spaces for biodiversity and improve public enjoyment of the river.
The public consultation is in two parts. Firstly, people are invited to comment on the draft Salisbury River Park Masterplan, which sets out the guiding principles for the whole of the River Park which will be delivered in phases over a number of years. It aims to provide riverside green space and urban wildlife habitat for residents and visitors to Salisbury to enjoy in the future.
People will then be able to comment on the draft detailed proposals for the first phase of the River Park which will be submitted as a planning application by the Environment Agency later this year.
This phase will provide critical flood prevention measures and environmental improvements in Salisbury’s central car park, the Ashley Road Open Space and Fisherton Recreation Ground. It is supported by £6 million funding from the Swindon and Wiltshire Local Enterprise Partnership via the Local Growth Fund.
Leader of Wiltshire Council, Cllr Philip Whitehead, said: “These proposals not only cover the overarching framework for the Salisbury River Park initiative but the first phase of works which form part of an £18 million package of investment provided by the Environment Agency and Swindon and Wiltshire Local Enterprise Partnership, to protect residents and businesses in Salisbury City Centre.
“Don’t miss the opportunity to have your say and help ensure the city is more protected and sustainable in the future.”
Paddy Bradley, CEO of Swindon and Wiltshire LEP said: “We are very pleased to provide funding for this scheme which will help to develop a wonderful public realm environment in an important part of Salisbury. This is part of our continuing commitment to the development of the City of Salisbury.”
Leader of Salisbury City Council, Cllr Liz Sirman, said: “This is a fantastic initiative opportunity which will help not only businesses and residents but also the green spaces and wildlife that has made Salisbury their home.
“By completing the consultation you will provide valuable feedback on the Salisbury River Park proposals. I would like to encourage everyone to complete the consultation before 5pm on Friday 8 January 2021”.
Have your say
The consultation survey can be completed online here.
Alternatively the survey form can be downloaded from this webpage and, once completed, it can be emailed to or posted to Major Projects, Wiltshire Council, The Council House, Bourne Hill, Salisbury SP1 3UZ before the deadline.
In partnership with VisitWiltshire, Salisbury BID co-fund the Visit Salisbury website to promote the city to visitors. The Visit Salisbury website has a full events calendar for Salisbury.