The new digital system replaces the 12-year old analogue radio system.
The digital radio system will link retailers and licensed premises with the CCTV operators who are in contact with the Police control room. This will allow all partners to work more closely together to detect and deter crime in the city.
The city council’s security officers and BID’s City Rangers are also linked to the radio scheme to provide extra security and support.
The digital system gives clear communications, allowing businesses to share information and intelligence accurately.
The installation of the digital radios has been launched by Salisbury CityWatch, which is funded by Salisbury City Council and Salisbury BID.
Richard Goodman, Salisbury CityWatch Manager, said: “This is a huge step forward in working towards a safer Salisbury. We’re working to tackle business and retail crime and aim to help provide a safer environment for residents and visitors, and this new radio system is key in helping us to achieve this.
“We hope staff, in particular lone workers, will feel safer as a result of the new improved radio system.
“The businesses have shown great enthusiasm for the scheme and we are keen to roll this out to as many businesses in the city as possible.”
24 businesses have already joined the radio link scheme, including shops and late-night venues. Joining the scheme also includes membership to Shopwatch or Pubwatch.
All businesses in the city centre are invited to join the radio link scheme. For further information, please contact Salisbury CityWatch Manager Richard Goodman on
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