Salisbury Business Improvement District

People Friendly Salisbury scheme – Salisbury BID statement

10th December 2020

Further to previous statements regarding the People Friendly Salisbury scheme, Salisbury BID would like to reiterate its position following the announcement of the temporary suspension of the scheme by Wiltshire Council on the 20th November 2020.

Our view
‘Salisbury BID remain supportive of the scheme principles, in line with the objectives of the Central Area Framework, we would like to see an improved version of the scheme introduced in 2021 that addresses some of the business concerns raised.’

Salisbury BID had written to Wiltshire Council on the 16th November requesting a temporary suspension of the scheme and suggesting a re-introduction of the scheme in the New Year. This followed concerns raised by our levy payers about the timing of the implementation in light of the 2nd national lockdown, and trading concerns over the Christmas period.

The future
We now welcome further dialogue with both Wiltshire Council and Salisbury City Council and other stakeholders to consider how best the scheme can be reintroduced with maximum economic benefit for businesses

Below are some of the key points we would wish to consider and discuss further.

• An early opportunity for the BID to consult with BID members on the scheme plans, to allow for feedback and to ensure thorough sector and street engagement
• A review of the challenges encountered from the previous scheme to inform scheme revisions before implementation (in particular delivery and business access challenges)
• Confirmation of the economic success factors being measured for the scheme
• Increased engagement with local stakeholders ahead of any scheme implementation and regular engagement during the scheme trial including a local stakeholder group for communications
• A comprehensive communications strategy that stakeholders can engage with to promote the scheme benefits and address any perception issues that may arise
• Business engagement regarding the complementary initiatives being considered for funding
• Consideration and discussion of the scheme implementation timings in 2021 and how businesses can maximise their trading opportunities alongside this
• Development of complementary plans and activities for the city centre to showcase additional vibrancy activities that could be delivered to support the scheme objectives

We will continue to update our BID members on any implementation plans being considered and will ensure their views are represented to Wiltshire Council by way of regular surveys and will encourage all businesses to engage with their views and feedback.