Salisbury Business Improvement District

Salisbury BID backs Small Business Saturday message

2nd December 2022

Saturday 3rd December 2022 is the UK’s tenth annual Small Business Saturday when small business success is celebrated and consumers are encouraged to shop local to support independent traders in their community.

The message is an important one at any time, but even more so this Christmas after the impacts of the pandemic the cost-of-living crisis and the onset of a recession.

As the campaign gears up to celebrate ten years in the UK, new data reveals just how tough the current economic climate is proving for small businesses.

According to research from the campaign’s founder and principal supporter American Express, two-thirds (66%) of small businesses see rising costs as the biggest challenge to running their business over the next six months.

Business Secretary Grant Shapps said, “While it’s a challenging time for firms of all sizes, we’re putting small businesses at the heart of our plans to unlock economic growth – from our Energy Bill Relief scheme that is shielding them from high energy costs, to our Start Up and Recovery Loan schemes supporting them to invest, grow, and thrive.”

Michelle Ovens CBE, director of Small Business Saturday UK commented, “Small businesses are the life and soul of our economy, society, and communities. But with everything they have been through, many are now really finding things tough as economic conditions worsen.

“Public support is urgently needed. We need to all show our favourite small businesses just how much we love and appreciate them this weekend and beyond. It can have a transformational impact.”

Salisbury BID (Business Improvement District) promotes the ‘shop local’ message all year round, as well as on Small Business Saturday. The BID has run initiatives throughout the year such as Independents Week in July and the Salisbury Indie’s social media channels to remind shoppers of how important it is to use the resources that can be found in the city.

BID Chief Executive, Robin McGowan, said, “Small Business Saturday is a great reminder that we need to continue to support all our amazing businesses. We are so lucky to have a vast array of national and independent shops in the city, but if we don’t use them, we really could lose them. There is a lot to be positive about though, the appearance of so many new names on our streets proves that despite one of the toughest couple of years in memory for businesses, there is strength in our city.” 

While it has been another extremely difficult year for companies everywhere, Salisbury continues to show its resilience as multiple new businesses have opened their doors in the city in recent months.

Susi Mason, Salisbury BID Director and owner of Casa Fina, said that the local community are continuing to support Salisbury’s businesses: “I would like to say another big thank you to the local community. They are continuing to support the city’s businesses for which we are very grateful as we are mindful of the difficulties of the present cost of living crisis. Supporting small businesses means that they will have a greater chance of remaining in the city in the long term.”

As Small Business Saturday begins, it is hoped consumers will once again get behind our wonderful small businesses, today and always.

Support Salisbury, shop local, get involved and spread the word far and wide!  #SmallBizSatUK